Re: SunOS 4.1.4 fingerd

Taner Halicioglu (
Fri, 17 May 1996 09:56:21 -0700

On Thu, 16 May 1996, Dave Dittrich wrote:

> The trick, as I learned it, was to use on Ultrix systems.
> After a quick test, I notice that single letters and "." don't work on
> Ultrix, but any digit or "@" does.  Go figure.  Probably some Berkeley
> student had a hangover the day they coded finger?

Well, the normal finger program will finger @localhost if you specify

  finger @

so when you do, for example:

  finger will receive the finger with the data "@" and then proceed to
finger itself (localhost).  A simple denial of service attack is to do:

  finger @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[...]

You can imagine what this will cause... :-)  I trivial fix is to look for
an '@' sign in the sent string (in in.fingerd) and deny the finger.

-------------------------=[ D. Taner Halicioglu ]=----------------------------     The San Diego Supercomputer Center, Workstation Services     U. of California, San Diego - Revelle - Computer Sci.
                      IRC Admin for  EPRI - 3412 Hillview Ave, Palo Alto, CA
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